Survivor Corps: Founds Operation Survivor Project to Assist U.S. Military Combat Veterans in Transitioning to Civilian Life

U.S. military veterans who serve in combat endure stresses and injuries that are unlikely to occur in civilian life. It is a duty of the nation to assist combat veterans return to their civilian lives. Some of those returning to civilian life, however, have suffered injuries and need assistance in making the transition to civilian life. One non-profit organization which offers a form of assistance is the Survivor Corps (formerly the Landmine Survivors network). [Note: I discovered this organization through receiving an email.]

The Survivor Corps works to end war violence through working with the survivors of war conflicts. Using their experience from assisting survivors of other conflicts, Survivor Corps works with U.S. military personnel who have suffered physical and psychological injuries while being involved in war operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Having been involved in military conflict, returning U.S. military personnel with war injuries may have difficulty returning to civilian life.

Survivor Corps seeks to assist U.S. military personnel and their families in making this transition (called community reintegration by Survivor Corps) successfully. The community reintegration project for U.S. military personnel is titled, “Operation Survivor.”

Operation Survivor has three components:

  • Community partnerships in peer support which involves training organizations to connect transitioning U.S. military personnel with other transitioning U.S. military personnel who can assist them reintegrate with their communities,
  • SurvivorNet which is an online community of support, and
  • The development of collaborative solutions through working with government, business, and non-profit leaders for providing the services needed to reintegrate U.S. military personnel in their communities.